Blog Adjust’s ongoing commitment to fraud pre...

Adjust’s ongoing commitment to fraud prevention and data accuracy

At Adjust, user privacy, fraud prevention, and data security have always been at the forefront of everything we do. Our commitment to end-to-end proactive data protection is evidenced by our rigorous process and certification compliance, from ISO/IEC 27001 to ePrivacy for GDPR, CCPA, COPPA, and beyond. We exponentially enhance security by owning our own physical servers and are the only MMP to offer explicit data residency.

We make it our mission to provide our clients with data that is accurate, actionable, trustworthy, and always protected from mobile ad fraud. To keep the trustworthiness and integrity of our data high, we’re also continually evolving and developing to meet new requirements and keep you ahead of the curve.

Today, we’re excited to share some of our key measures and ongoing developments in the privacy and fraud prevention space.

Accurate, actionable, and fraud-free data. Always.

App marketers and developers rely on their mobile measurement partner for accurate data. This is exactly why it’s essential that we evolve to continually keep clients at the cutting-edge of industry innovations, next-generation technologies, and privacy-preserving measurement.

To help achieve this, we're working on a range of exciting projects now and in the next quarter:

  • Custom tools that will make it easier to identify patterns in traffic that are suspicious or unusable, along with the ability for clients to set their own rules for flagging and filtering of engagements and installs that appear undesired.
  • The next version of Adjust’s SDK builds further on our privacy-first DNA by including our Signature library for spoofing protection by default—saving dev time needed for integration. Once configured in Adjust, the Signature will automatically reject spoofed sessions on your behalf. The updated SDK also includes new APIs and verification controls for revenue tracking.
  • A brand new dashboard for the Fraud Prevention Suite in Datascape.
fraud dashboard
  • Enhancing our proactive click spam blocking by adding additional metrics for engagement spam.

In addition to ensuring that clients always receive reliable and actionable insights in their analytics, accurate and trustworthy data also informs our partnerships with major platforms, including Google and Apple. MMPs are here to provide data that can be depended on, and spoofing and click spam can blur that picture. As marketers continue to seek controls that help validate that their attributions are legitimate and helpful, Adjust is here to make that possible.

New to Adjust? Request a demo and we’ll talk you through how you can benefit from our Fraud Prevention Suite, leverage real-time, accurate data insights, and grow your app with confidence.

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