
Case Study: Linio and Criteo

About Linio

Linio is a Latin American online shopping platform available to users in Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile and Peru. Originally born as a Rocket Internet company in 2012, the business has been part of Grupo Falabella since 2018. The platform currently operates via a website and a mobile app.

About Criteo

Criteo is a global technology company that powers the sellers of the world with reliable and impactful advertising. With more than 2,700 employees, 20,000 clients and millions of experts around the world, it offers effective advertising to businesses of all sizes.

The Challenge

Planning a customer-centric strategy for Linio’s 2020 ‘Hot Sale’ and effectively measuring results

Every year, Linio has a Hot Sale as a limited-time event where they offer customers discounts. Linio's mobile team knew that their Hot Sale would be an excellent opportunity to put their marketing strategy into action. Due to the pandemic and consequent rise of e-commerce app activity, it was set to be the longest Hot Sale in the company’s history. It was the ideal time to act and make the most of the sale, and they decided to go all-in with a data-driven approach. They looked at the results from last year, identified specific trends, and made adjustments accordingly. The key challenges Linio faced were maintaining traction, offering value to customers during the Hot Sale and completing purchases when users were comparing items.

Yaretzi Espinos

Performance and Content Marketing Manager, Linio

The Solution

Insights for real-time optimization and future planning powered by Adjust and Criteo

For Linio, teaming up with Adjust and Criteo was key. Criteo was the driving force in bringing users to their platform, and enabled them to run highly targeted campaigns. Adjust was then able to provide them with the data and insights needed to fuel Criteo's ability to drive the campaigns to the right audiences. As a result of this combined ecosystem, Linio never loses any relevant data. Regardless of whether it comes from their website or their app, everything is unified and clear. 

Receiving real-time insights allows Linio to optimize in real-time while pivoting their strategy for future optimization. Their planning workflow begins by analyzing the historical information and predicting results, and then taking action. Thanks to Adjust, they have a clear overview of all historical data and are able to make important decisions for specific campaigns. They’re empowered to, for example, put more focus on their application, or see whether it’s profitable to offer coupons. 

With this data, Linio is able to better understand their users and the ROI of each channel with granularity, allowing them to make accurate, data-based decisions. They’re able to capitalize on the exact, optimal moment to provide a user with relevant items to buy based on the moment they installed the app in the first place. This is vital information, as once this window has passed, the probability of the user uninstalling is very high. With real-time information, they can focus on retaining and fostering high LTV users. 

Raquel Albores

Mobile Senior Analyst, Linio

The Result

Doubled year-on-year growth

By partnering with Adjust and Criteo, Linio’s 2020 Hot Sale results exceeded expectations - making for a sizable jump in growth compared to the previous year’s sale:

  • Doubled in growth compared to previous year
  • 50% of transactions took place in-app - and they invested 40% of their ad spend on mobile
  • 50% increase in ROAS

Yaretzi Espinos

Performance and Content Marketing Manager, Linio

Isabely Di Roberto

Senior Account Strategist, Criteo

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