
Case Study: FNAC

About FNAC

FNAC is one of France’s largest retailers. The company sells cultural and electronic products both in France and across the world, with leading markets including Belgium, Switzerland and Spain.

In 2016, FNAC acquired Darty and became the second largest French e-commerce Platform.

To date, FNAC Darty has:

  • 728 stores (with 510 in France)
  • 26,000 employees (19,000 of them in France)
  • €7.5 billion in generated revenue in 2017
  • 19.9 million online unique visitors

The web was one of many areas which helped FNAC become one of the most successful retailers in France. Yet the sudden growth of mobile shifted the market. FNAC’s team saw web growth level out, while the increase of mobile use meant FNAC needed to react, creating an app to meet the demand. Before they worked with Adjust, FNAC partnered with another attribution vendor. However, this provider struggled with a special quirk that meant it couldn’t attribute effectively. That’s when they started looking for someone new.

The Challenge

FNAC’s unique use case

In FNAC’s app, users are able to browse the shop, add items to the cart, and so on. However, FNAC’s transactions only occur in the web view. This meant that users would be taken elsewhere when making a purchase, creating a break in the flow of regular attribution.

Because of this, FNAC required an advanced solution to track full user journey across the platforms. Despite attempts to create a workaround, FNAC’s previous provider could not fulfill the needs. And so it wasn’t long before FNAC was on the lookout for an alternative solution.

The Solution

Why FNAC picked Adjust

Because of Adjust’s strong product offering, skilled support staff, and unique ability to meet a highly specific need, FNAC chose Adjust to be its mobile measurement partner. Not only did Adjust have a webview solution for FNAC’s unique problem, but it also provided dedicated support for the integration.

Integrating Adjust enabled FNAC to track app performance, including all incoming installs, custom member IDs, and several variations of events, such as purchases. And most importantly, FNAC were now able to connect it all.

"By integrating Adjust’s solution in our app, we got a much better understanding of our app performance and users even if we have a specific user path (from app to webview),” says Fakhredine Haddad. “Now we can optimize all our acquisition channels and focus our investment on where we can get the best profitability."

Adjust were very present. They knew how to set their projections, they knew how to reassure us about the issues we had previously, and it was a well-known tool that came with many recommendations from other app companies in France.

Fakhredine Haddad

User Acquisition Manager, FNAC

The migration process

Integrating with Adjust was fast, easy, and FNAC was able to restore all its most needed information from their previous campaign.

One of the most important parts of the migration was successfully importing FNAC’s historical data, so it could differentiate the new and existing users from previous campaigns to avoid a peak in installs in the first days of ad tracking. This entire process was fully facilitated during FNAC’s migration.

We supported the process with workshops led by Yagiz Oztol, Adjust’s Sales Engineer Team Lead, to show more of Adjust’s capabilities than was possible over a single call. Oztol worked closely with FNAC to ensure a smooth transition. He tailored the setup while also going on-site to help with any technical questions they had.

This is crucial for large companies where departments don’t often have the ability to work as closely together, which often leads to lag in development time.

Adjust’s process is carefully tailored over a five step process, to cut down on waste. If you’d like to know more about Adjust’s migration process, click here.

The Result

Moving forward with Adjust

FNAC is now better prepared to understand its customers’ user journey, and are more able to create deeper re-engagement strategies based on what the team see in our reliable data.

FNAC is also able to work with all the partners they’d like to within one tool, and benefit from a range of choices for better targeting, and broader reach.

Finally, they leverage Adjust’s platform to distribute the required data to multiple partners. Now they are enabled to run customized retargeting campaigns based on the product that has been viewed.

These powerful features are all available within Adjust’s platform. Want to give it a try? Contact Adjust to receive a demo, and more information from our sales team.

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