
Case Study: Adjust x Moloco x Jam City

The Challenge

Finding measurement success on iOS

Apple’s AppTrackingTransparency (ATT) has dramatically altered paid user acquisition (UA) on iOS. In light of these changes, marketers have begun experimenting with new models and strategies to reach and influence new mobile app users.

Apple rolled out Custom Product Pages (CPP) as a new offering in 2022 in conjunction with iOS 15. CPP gives marketers the option to customize and personalize what their App Store page looks like after a user clicks on an ad. Jam City needed a measurement partner who could help them adapt to these changes.

Jihyo Kim

Director of Partnerships, Moloco

The Solution

Two key partnerships

Jam City was eager to try using CPPs in their next UA campaign with Moloco, their trusted programmatic mobile UA demand-side platform (DSP). Adjust’s industry-leading measurement capabilities were crucial for determining the success of the campaign. Adjust was one of the first mobile measurement partners (MMPs) in market to roll out robust and holistic measurement and redirection support for CPPs.

Throughout 2022, Jam City conducted five tests in conjunction with some of their biggest apps, including Disney Emoji Blitz, Bingo Pop and Jurassic World Alive. They were interested in seeing whether different pages would yield better results, as well as certain imagery would be more likely to resonate with users.

Sandra Johansson

Product Manager, SKAN Solutions, Adjust

The Results

Custom product pages that drive UA success

Overall, the various experiments provided Jam City with highly valuable insights around how CPPs can be deployed to boost the effectiveness of their iOS UA campaigns. In some of the experiments, they were able to see a nearly 400% increase on installs per thousand impressions (IPM), while others yielded a greater than 10% increase in click to install rate (CTI). Further experiments enabled Jam City to improve click-through rates (CTR) as well.

With the help of Adjust and Moloco, Jam City was able to:

  • Increase IPM by nearly 400%
  • Increase CTI by 10%
  • Increase CTR by nearly 800%

Patrick Chang

Director of User Acquisition, Jam City

About Jam City

Did you know?

Jam City is the creative powerhouse behind some of the highest-grossing and most enduring mobile games including Disney Emoji Blitz, Cookie Jam and Panda Pop. Jam City develops immersive, narrative rich mobile games based on original intellectual property (IP) and in partnership with leading entertainment brands.

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