Understanding user behavior within apps is crucial for developers and marketers aiming to enhance user engagement and retention. Two key metrics in this analysis are app session lengths and sessions per user per day. By analyzing these metrics, we can unearth exciting trends and opportunities to improve the user experience (UX) and create apps that attract and retain loyal users.

This is the second chapter of our metrics series, which we kicked off with a deep dive into retention rates. Here, we delve into the most critical metrics, highlighting their significance and thoroughly analyzing industry benchmarks across regions and verticals. We also offer practical, actionable strategies to boost each metric's performance.


What are session lengths and sessions per user per day?

Session length measures a user's duration on an app during a single session, from when they open the app to when they close it or become inactive. This metric provides insights into user engagement and app usability. A longer session length suggests that users find the content engaging, leading them to spend more time exploring the app.

Sessions per user per day is the average number of times a user interacts with the app within a day. It's calculated by dividing the total number of sessions by the number of unique users within a day. This metric determines the frequency of users returning to the app, reflecting stickiness. A higher number of daily sessions indicates that users find the app valuable and regularly use it.

These metrics offer a comprehensive perspective on user behavior. By analyzing the average session length and the daily number of sessions per user, we can identify patterns and find areas for improvement. This results in better UX and heightened engagement. When this data is coupled with other indicators, such as user actions and in-app behavior, it provides deeper insights into your app's performance and potential for optimization.

How to calculate

What is the average session length and number of sessions per user per day?

Understanding the average session length and the number of sessions per user per day provides insight into UX quality. It's important to note that these metrics can vary significantly based on the app's vertical and monetization model. Therefore, focusing on category benchmarks and historical and seasonal trends is vital.

Now, let's explore how to calculate the average session length and the number of sessions per user per day:

Calculating session length

To calculate session length, you must record when a user launches and exits your app. This metric is typically measured in minutes and seconds. The formula is straightforward:

Session length = Timestamp when the user closes the app - Timestamp when the user opens the app

For example, if a user opens your food delivery app at 9:01 PM and closes it at 9:15 PM, the session lasts 14 minutes.

Calculating average session length

To find the average session length, you must add all session lengths within a given time frame and divide by the number of sessions.

For example, if a user has four sessions in a day with lengths of 5, 3, 6, and 10 minutes, the average session length would be:

(5 + 3 + 6 + 10) / 4 = 6 minutes

Calculating average sessions per user per day

To calculate the average sessions per user per day, you need to divide the total number of sessions by the total number of unique users during a single day.

For example, if an app has 1,000 sessions in a day and 500 unique users, the average sessions per user would be:

1,000 / 500 = 2 sessions per user per day

Relationship between session length and sessions per user per day

Again, the relationship between session length and sessions per user per day varies based on the app's vertical. This matrix visualizes this relationship and its implications for different app categories:

  • High session length and high sessions per user per day: This combination suggests users are highly engaged, find the app valuable, and return frequently.
    • Example: A social media app where users spend a lot of time browsing and returning multiple times a day.
  • Low session length and high sessions per user per day: This suggests users are using the app for quick, frequent interactions.
    • Example: A messaging app where users carry out short conversations throughout the day.
  • High session length and low sessions per user per day: This might imply that the app is used less often but for longer periods when it is used.
    • Example: A video streaming app where users watch lengthy videos or binge-watch a series.
  • Low session length and low sessions per user per day: This could indicate low engagement or satisfaction, pointing to potential issues with the app's content or usability.
    • Example: An app that struggles to retain users due to a lack of appealing content or a poor UX.

Overall data

What is a good session length and number of sessions per user per day?

We've analyzed the average session length and the median sessions per user per day across all our verticals, sorted by region, to provide a comprehensive performance overview. These broad figures are a valuable benchmark for assessing your app's user engagement. Use the data below to compare and evaluate how your app’s session metrics measure up.

Let’s start with the average session length by region:

The global average session length has slightly increased, from 18.17 minutes in 2023 to 18.6 minutes in Q1 2024. This positive trend indicates enhanced user engagement across all regions and verticals.

In APAC, there was a noteworthy increase in the average session length, rising from 20.24 minutes in 2023 to 21.17 minutes in Q1 2024.

EMEA also experienced a steady growth in its average session length, from 16.36 minutes in 2023 to 16.78 minutes in Q1 2024.

However, LATAM witnessed a decline in its average session length, from 18.27 minutes in 2023 to 17.12 minutes in Q1 2024. This drop points to potential challenges in keeping users engaged and interested.

Lastly, North America saw a slight dip in its average session length, from 21.94 minutes in 2023 to 21.86 minutes in Q1 2024. Despite high user engagement, this slight decrease suggests a need for renewed strategies to sustain user interest.

Next, let's dive into data for sessions per user per day in each region:

In Q1 2024, the global numbers started high, with a median of 1.79 app sessions per day on day 0. However, this figure dipped to 0.25 by day 7, further declined to 0.19 by day 14 and reached a low of 0.13 by day 30.

APAC stood out with the highest initial engagement at 1.82 sessions on day 0. This fell to 0.23 by day 7, 0.17 by day 14, and 0.1 by day 30. Despite the steep decline, APAC's early engagement figures indicate strong initial user interest.

European users, on the other hand, exhibited higher short-term retention with 1.33 sessions per day on day 0, which decreased to 0.59 by day 7. However, a sharp drop to 0.17 sessions by day 14 and a further decline to 0.1 by Day 30 pointed to a need for more effective engagement strategies over time.

LATAM paralleled global trends with 1.78 sessions per day on day 0, falling to 0.19 by day 7, 0.13 by day 14, and 0.08 by day 30. MENA also started with 1.77 sessions on day 0, which decreased to 0.18 by day 7, 0.13 by day 14, and 0.08 by day 30, suggesting the need for improved user retention strategies.

Although starting slightly lower with 1.66 sessions per day on day 0, North America mirrored the general trend with a decrease to 0.18 sessions by day 7, 0.14 by day 14, and 0.09 by day 30.

Global vertical data

Sessions lengths and sessions per user per day by vertical

We will now look at the global average session lengths across verticals, providing valuable insights into user engagement. This helps to identify top-performing verticals and those needing improvements. By benchmarking their app's performance against industry standards, marketers can refine their strategies to drive higher retention and revenue.

  • Gaming maintains the highest session lengths: Gaming apps maintained the highest session lengths, with a slight increase from 30.78 minutes in 2023 to 31.27 minutes in Q1 2024. This underscores strong user engagement and the success of immersive, interactive content.
  • Food & drink show substantial engagement gains: Food and drink apps experienced a solid increase in session length, from 28.54 minutes in 2023 to 29.75 minutes in Q1 2024. This indicates improved user interaction and satisfaction.
  • Health & fitness experience enhanced user retention: Health and fitness apps saw a notable increase in session length, from 11.76 minutes in 2023 to 12.28 minutes in Q1 2024. This suggests enhanced user engagement, possibly due to new features or content that better retain users.
  • Increased interest in travel planning: Travel apps saw a slight increase in session length, from 17.6 minutes in 2023 to 17.91 minutes in Q1 2024. This may reflect a growing interest in travel planning or new features that prolong user engagement.
  • A slight decline in interest in entertainment apps: Entertainment apps had a slight decrease in session length, falling from 28.62 minutes in 2023 to 27.73 minutes in Q1 2024. Despite typically high engagement in this vertical, this decrease suggests a potential area for innovation and content refresh.

Moving on, we’re analyzing each vertical's global median sessions per user per day.

  • Highest initial engagement in social: Social apps showed the highest initial engagement, with 2.26 sessions per user per day on day 0. This number dropped to 0.39 by day 7, 0.30 by day 14, and 0.21 by day 30. Despite the decline, social apps maintain the highest engagement levels across all verticals, reflecting their integral role in daily routines.
  • Sustained early interest in gaming:  Gaming apps showed strong initial engagement with 1.88 sessions per user per day on day 0. This dropped to 0.28 by day 7 and declined to 0.20 and 0.13 by day 14 and day 30, respectively. Despite the decline, the strong initial interest reflects the immersive nature of gaming.
  • Better retention in health & fitness: Health and fitness apps began with 1.70 sessions per user per day on day 0, dropping to 0.29 by day 7, 0.25 by day 14, and 0.19 by day 30. They maintain better engagement over time than other verticals, likely due to users' ongoing fitness goals and tracking needs.
  • Cyclical usage patterns in travel apps: Travel apps began with 1.5 sessions per user per day on day 0, dropping to 0.12 by day 7, 0.09 by day 14, and 0.06 by day 30. This is likely due to users engaging only when planning or booking trips.
  • Gradual usage decline in fintech apps: Fintech apps started with a median of 1.65 sessions per user per day on day 0, decreasing to 0.24 by day 7, 0.20 by day 14, and 0.16 by day 30. This suggests that although users initially explore these apps extensively, they require more value to maintain consistent usage.

Regional vertical data

Sessions lengths and sessions per user per day by region and vertical

We've also analyzed app session lengths by industry verticals and regions. These engagement insights are invaluable, shedding light on user behavior and preferences across various markets.

  • North America tops the entertainment charts: North America has the longest average session length for entertainment apps (37.18 minutes), followed by APAC (30.07 minutes) and EMEA (24.17 minutes).
  • North America's growing interest in fintech: North America has the highest engagement in fintech apps, with an average session length of 7.75 minutes, indicating strong interest in financial services and tools. LATAM has the lowest engagement, with an average session length of 5.64 minutes, suggesting growth potential in this market.
  • Food & drink apps most popular in North America: North America and LATAM have significantly longer session lengths, averaging 50.41 and 39.2 minutes, respectively. This may indicate cultural preferences for food delivery and related services.
  • APAC's mobile gaming dominance: APAC leads in average gaming app session length, at 35.65 minutes, highlighting the region's strong gaming culture. EMEA follows at 29.54 minutes, showing higher engagement than LATAM and North America.
  • Health & fitness app usage rises in LATAM: LATAM has the longest average session length, 16.38 minutes. North America also shows substantial engagement, with users spending an average of 14.41 minutes in-app.
  • Shopping app engagement is highest in APAC: APAC and EMEA users spend roughly the same time in shopping apps, averaging 11.28 minutes and 11.19 minutes per session, respectively. LATAM has lower engagement, with an average session length of 8.39 minutes.
  • North America's love for social apps: North America leads in social app engagement, with an average session length of 21.11 minutes, followed closely by LATAM (19.73 minutes) and APAC (18.89 minutes).
  • Travel app usage surges in EMEA: EMEA users spend the most time in travel apps, averaging 24.25 minutes per session in Q1 2024. North America, however, has the lowest engagement at 7.12 minutes, suggesting a possible area for improvement.
  • Utility app usage grows in North America: North America leads in utility app engagement, with an average session length of 18.08 minutes. This suggests that users in this region heavily rely on these apps. LATAM also shows strong engagement, while APAC and EMEA have lower but consistent usage.

Next, we will analyze the number of sessions per user on day 0 in Q1 2024 across different regions and verticals.

  • APAC's unrivaled engagement in gaming: APAC exhibits the highest engagement in gaming apps, with 1.91 sessions on the first day, reflecting the region's strong gaming culture. MENA and LATAM also show high engagement, with users clocking in 1.88 and 1.84 sessions, respectively, on the first day.
  • Europe tops social app sessions: Europe leads in social apps with 2.18 sessions, followed closely by APAC (2.06 sessions) and North America (2.07 sessions).
  • LATAM and MENA lead in entertainment: LATAM and MENA take the lead in initial engagement for entertainment apps, with users logging in 1.65 and 1.63 sessions, respectively. Engagement in North America and Europe is slightly lower but consistent.
  • Europe and MENA excel in fintech engagement: Europe and MENA show the highest initial engagement for fintech apps, with users logging 1.52 and 1.56 sessions, respectively, on the first day. North America has the lowest engagement, indicating growth potential.
  • Europe's dominance in health & fitness apps: Europe leads in health and fitness apps, with 1.72 sessions. APAC, LATAM, and MENA also show high engagement, with 1.61, 1.65, and 1.56 sessions, respectively.
  • Shopping app engagement consistent across regions: Initial engagement with shopping apps is relatively even across regions, with APAC and Europe slightly ahead with 1.43 and 1.42 sessions, respectively. North America shows the lowest engagement, with 1.31 sessions.
  • Steady engagement with travel apps: Engagement with travel apps is generally uniform across regions, with APAC and Europe showing slightly higher initial sessions, with 1.48 and 1.46, respectively.
  • APAC's preference for utility apps: APAC leads in initial engagement with 1.63 sessions, followed by LATAM (1.58 sessions) and MENA (1.57 sessions).

Strategies for improvement

Best practices to improve user engagement

Enhancing user engagement is crucial for any mobile app's success. Developers can create more engaging apps by increasing both session lengths and the number of sessions each user has per day. Based on data and trends observed across various regions and app categories, here are some tips for retaining loyal users and increasing revenue.

Personalize, engage, repeat

Data is king in the mobile world. You can harness its power to understand your users' unique preferences and behaviors. Once you better understand your target audience(s), craft content, recommendations, and features that cater to each user's needs. Marketers can keep up the excitement by regularly adding your app with fresh content and features that align with user interests. Entertainment and social apps, in particular, can reap massive benefits by keeping their content fresh and engaging.

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First impressions matter, so optimize onboarding

The first step on your app is crucial, so make it count with a smooth, informative onboarding process. Spotlight your app's key features and benefits early on to pique users' curiosity and encourage them to dive deeper. You can woo new users with irresistible incentives like welcome bonuses, exclusive content, or free trials. This boosts initial engagement and nudges users to spend more time in your app.

Implement gamification and interactive features

One way to ensure users stick around your app is by incorporating gamification elements like challenges, leaderboards, rewards, and badges to make your app more interactive and engaging. This tactic works wonders, especially for gaming, fitness, and educational apps. Moreover, take user engagement up a notch with interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and live events.

Improve user interface and experience

An intuitive, user-friendly interface is the backbone of user engagement. Design seamless navigation that lets users easily locate and access the features they need.

Stay top of mind with push notifications

Keep your users in the loop with timely push notifications about new content, features, or personalized recommendations. Remember, relevance is critical to prevent your notifications from becoming an annoyance. Send strategic reminders about unfinished activities or upcoming events to nudge users back to your app. For instance, fitness apps can remind users of their workout schedules, while shopping apps can nudge users about abandoned carts.

Iterate, iterate, iterate

Driving your app's success is not a one-time task. Developers and marketers must continuously measure and analyze user engagement metrics, such as session lengths and the number of sessions per user. Keep an eye out for patterns and areas that need improvement. It’s also vital to conduct A/B testing for different features and content to discover what resonates best with your users. Also, actively solicit and respond to user feedback, understanding their pain points and preferences to make necessary adjustments and improvements. This constant loop of analysis, feedback, and iteration keeps an app alive and thriving in the long term.

To learn how to measure your app’s success and how users interact with your app, request a demo with Adjust today.

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