What is Adjust

Glossary What is Adjust


Adjust is a mobile attribution and analytics company. Our service provides app marketers with a smart business platform, combining measurement for advertising sources with an advanced analytics suite. Adjust offers additional services, such as the Fraud Prevention Suite and Datascape, placing us as one of the leading players in the market.

Adjust operates many local offices around the world and is headquartered in Berlin, Germany. Adjust is an official Facebook, Google and Twitter mobile measurement partner. We are integrated with hundreds of major partners to provide you with as many options as possible.

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Attribution with Adjust

The data from a mobile attribution partner provides the necessary insight into a user’s entire journey: how they arrived at your app, how they interact with it, and how those behaviors and patterns compare and differ across cohorts. Mobile attribution ties each user to the ad they interact with, giving you full transparency for your media performance across multiple advertising channels in one unified platform. Use this conversion data for in-depth analysis that optimizes your app marketing to drive significant and sustainable growth.

  • Track every channel to find out where your users come from and discover which channels perform best. Adjust covers mobile, mobile web, in-app ads, TV, OTT and organics.

  • Know exactly which ads delivered which users, right down to the campaign creatives users see.

  • Our methods are industry approved, transparent, customizable and 100% accurate.

  • Our anti-fraud solution guarantees data quality and budget safety.

Speed and functionality are essential components of a successful app. Adjust’s open-source SDK is the industry's only robust yet lightweight solution. The Adjust SDK gives you the power to attribute conversions from any source without interfering with your app's performance.

Analytics with Adjust

Bringing users to your app is essential, but the real challenge is boosting retention (keeping users engaged within your app) and conversions (such as purchases). By integrating mobile app analytics into your marketing, you can better understand your users and make data-driven marketing and product decisions that boost conversion, retention and lifetime value (LTV).

Adjust allows you to tailor events to your specific conversion goals with an unlimited number of events. Our filters and diverse parameters make it possible for you to dive deeper into unique KPIs and understand user behavior.

Cohort analysis allows you to identify trends and new developments in user behavior. The KPIs we offer for cohort analysis are central to learning how an app’s performance in key aspects such as retention, revenue and event conversion. We also automatically calculate the LTV of your users that belong to cohorts, identifying when you start profiting from paid campaigns.

Fraud Prevention Suite

Mobile ad fraud is a widespread issue that threatens to steal your ad spend and detail your mobile acquisition strategy. While there are ad fraud solution on the market that can detect ad fraud, they don’t work in real time. Our Fraud Prevention, however, proactively stops fraud in its tracks before there’s a chance to claim any portion of your ad spend. This allows you to focus on analytics you can trust.

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