What is a coarse conversion value?

What is a coarse conversion value?

What is a coarse conversion value?

Coarse conversion values, sometimes shortened to CCVs, are a new type of ‘coarse-grained’ conversion value introduced with SKAdNetwork (SKAN) 4. Potentially available in each of SKAN 4’s—and now AdAttributionKit's—three postbacks, they can be set to one of three values: low, medium, or high.

As with all versions of SKAN post-iOS 14, there is only one way to measure marketing and campaign performance, and that is via conversion values. An event or condition that is not mapped to a conversion value will not be received in the postback. Coarse conversion values are essentially another mechanism that can be leveraged to receive signals, insights, and data while preserving user privacy.

A robust SKAN 4 strategy will be optimized to receive as much information as possible in the three postbacks, meaning that both fine- and coarse-grain conversion values should be intricately mapped.

What’s the difference between a coarse conversion value and a fine conversion value?

Up until SKAN 4, the only conversion values marketers on iOS were concerned about were the original 64 (0-63), now referred to as fine conversion values. Working with SKAN 4, coarse conversion values have been introduced and are available to map in all three measurement windows, allowing the potential to receive one in each of the three postbacks. For postbacks two and three, fine values aren’t available, meaning that a coarse conversion value is the best case scenario for measurement of days 3-35 post-install.

Fine conversion values allow for six bits of downstream metrics between 00000 and 111111 in binary, or numbers 0-63 in decimal. With six bits of information available, each bit in the six-digit binary can be thought of as a switch, 1 signals an ‘on’ and 0 signals an ‘off’. This means that each time an event is triggered, its representative ‘0’ becomes a ‘1’. In short, for fine conversion values you can map up to 64 individual conversion values.

These are usually mapped to an event, chain-of-events, or another characteristic that the developer/advertiser has identified as being critical in the measurement of campaign performance, predictive life-time-value. The postback sent by the device will contain the most recent conversion value triggered during the measurement window. Fine conversion values are only available in postback 1 based on activity from measurement window 1 (1-2 days) and will only be received if certain privacy thresholds are met.

Coarse conversion values allow for mapping to three values (low, medium, and high), and can be mapped for all three measurement windows. Like fine values, they will only be sent if certain privacy thresholds/crowd anonymity requirements are achieved. It is possible to receive a coarse value in postback 1 if the threshold for a fine value wasn’t met. Note that it is still possible to receive a ‘null’.

The chart below demonstrates what is possible to receive in each the three SKAN 4 postbacks—and when—depending on the crowd anonymity tier achieved (1-3).

What’s the best way to work with coarse conversion values on SKAN 4?

Coarse conversion values should be mapped one measurement window at a time. The signals and events you’re looking for in each window will naturally differ because the events that indicate lifetime value (LTV) or are linked to KPIs naturally change at different stages in the user journey. They might also differ based on the signals you’re getting from the first measurement window. 

In the first window, we recommend mapping the three conversion values (low, medium, and high) to test engagement signals. In the second window, map to confirm those engagement signals, and in the third window, map to track LTV.

For a detailed explanation of how to think strategically about how to set up and map coarse conversion values on SKAN 4, you can take a look at our article: How to fully leverage SKAN 4’s coarse values, measurement windows, postbacks, and lockWindow.

Coarse conversion values, SKAN 4, AdAttributionKit, and Adjust

As part of our robust suite of iOS and SKAN measurement solutions, Adjust’s Conversion Hub allows marketers to create optimized, vertical-specific, tailored-to-app conversion values. Conversion Hub is fully set up for SKAN 4, meaning you can leverage it for mapping of both fine and coarse conversion values, along with other features like lockWindow.

Reach out to your Adjust contact person today to learn more about SKAN 3, SKAN 4, and AdAttributionKit measurement, how to create a robust conversion value strategy, and how to optimize campaigns effectively and efficiently on iOS. Alternatively, you can request a demo here.

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