Blog Exploring the success of Chinese AI apps...

Exploring the success of Chinese AI apps in the domestic and global market

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the mobile app industry, making every swipe, click, and voice command an AI-powered experience. From personalized recommendations to virtual assistants,  developers are utilizing AI to craft innovative apps and compelling campaigns that meet—and anticipate—the dynamic needs of users. Simply put, integrating AI into mobile apps is a high-powered way to fire up performance and accelerate success.

In this blog, we delve into app trends in the AI space globally and explore the how and why of AI integration on mobile. We then shift our focus to China, a leading AI player, and introduce some of the most promising AI apps emerging from this dynamic market. Finally, we highlight the crucial role of mobile measurement partners (MMPs) in driving the success of these AI apps.

By understanding the latest trends and utilizing next-gen analytics, developers and marketers can confidently navigate the competitive AI mobile app landscape at this crucial moment.

The rise of Chinese AI apps

China is leading AI innovation due to extensive government support and a strong focus on research and development. The AI market in China is expected to increase by more than 400% from USD $29 million in 2023 to $150 billion by 2032.

Leading Chinese AI apps

Several Chinese companies have gained international acclaim for their advanced AI features and innovative apps. Here are some of the most successful companies and their standout AI apps:


Baidu concentrates on creating "AI native applications" and has launched several for the global market, including Meira, SynClub, and WiseAI. Additionally, Baidu has unveiled ERNIE Bot, its latest generative AI product, and a knowledge-enhanced large language model (LLM). This technology can understand human intentions and provide accurate, logical, and fluent responses. It's been utilized in Chinese apps like the Baidu Ruliu AI Assistant, which improves meeting experiences by extracting topics, key points, and speech summaries in real-time.

The bot is also integrated into the Baidu Wenku application, assisting users in generating documents, articles, and reports based on keywords and questions. Moreover, Baidu owns a large-scale pre-trained model called Wenxinyige, which creates high-quality, creative images by accurately interpreting text descriptions.


Known as the "app factory," ByteDance has successfully globalized its AI products. Notable examples include:

  • Gauth: An AI education app that has achieved significant user engagement and high rankings in the US education category.
  • TikTok (Douyin): Renowned for its captivating short videos, TikTok employs AI to curate content that aligns with individual user preferences. This personalized content delivery encourages high engagement and has contributed to TikTok's global popularity.
Example of Gauth and TikTok user interface

Why Chinese AI apps are expanding globally

Chinese AI companies are increasingly focusing on international markets and are motivated by opportunities for growth. Key driving factors in the global expansion include:

  • Mature payment habits: Overseas markets, mainly Europe and the U.S., have well-established norms around subscriptions and premium upgrades. This makes it easier for AI apps to monetize, as users in these regions are more accustomed to paying for app subscriptions and premium services, ensuring a steady revenue stream.
  • Access to advanced models: High-performance AI models that may be restricted or less accessible within China can often be utilized more freely in international markets. This access allows for greater innovation and product development, providing Chinese AI companies with a competitive advantage.
  • Investment and financing environment: The international investment scene, especially in the U.S., tends to prioritize funding for innovative ideas and tech. This emphasis on supporting novel ideas and groundbreaking technologies offers better funding and growth opportunities, encouraging Chinese AI companies to explore global markets and secure the financial backing needed to scale their operations.

Strategic considerations for Chinese AI apps going overseas

  • Execution and rapid iteration: Success in global markets often depends on quickly verifying product-market fit (PMF) and iterating based on user feedback and technological advancements. Taking an agile approach will be essential for companies to adapt and thrive in each market they tackle.
  • Early commercialization: Early commercialization is a critical strategy for Chinese AI companies aiming to establish a strong presence in international markets. By quickly bringing products to market, companies can gain a competitive edge, secure early adopters, and build momentum. This approach also allows companies to gather valuable user feedback sooner, which can be used to refine and improve the product. Companies like FlowGPT (a community platform for sharing and discovering AI prompts used for text generation, language translation, and creative content creation) and HeyGen (an AI video generator that creates high-quality videos from text with AI-generated avatars and voices)  have demonstrated the importance of designing shareable products and leveraging bold marketing strategies to drive early user adoption and growth.
  • Localized talent and organization: Long-term success requires localizing operations and talent to understand better and meet the needs of international users. Building a strong local presence helps in navigating cultural and market-specific challenges.

Why mobile apps should integrate AI

Using AI, mobile apps can surpass user expectations, create engaging and efficient experiences, and appeal to target audiences. You don’t have to build a brand new, all-AI app to benefit. Let's explore how adding AI elements to your app can transform them into powerhouses of performance and engagement.

Personalized user experience

AI algorithms can meticulously analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions to create experiences tailored to the individual. Picture this: you open your favorite shopping app and instantly see products aligned with your style, and previous searches populate your screen. It's AI in action, catering to the 65% of consumers who crave a more personal touch, according to Salesforce.

Example: Spotify’s ‘Discover Weekly’ feature uses AI to suggest personalized playlists based on listening habits, which increases user engagement.

Intelligent automation

Intelligent automation, powered by AI, is transforming user interactions and backend operations. It enhances the user experience by predicting needs and automating tasks, resulting in smoother and more responsive app interactions. A recent report revealed that apps with AI chatbot automation have satisfaction rates of 80%, attributed to their seamless processes.

In the backend, AI-powered automation enhances data management, customer service operations, and app performance. Automated data analysis detects trends and issues in real time, enabling quicker adjustments and improvements.

Example: A banking app can use AI chatbots to handle inquiries about account balances, recent transactions, or loan eligibility, providing instant responses and freeing human resources for complex tasks.

AI-enhanced security

Highly effective security is crucial in today's digital landscape. AI can, for example, analyze user behavior to detect unusual patterns, such as suspicious login attempts or transactions, potentially indicating security breaches.

Example: Ellie Mae, a mortgage technology company, found that AI-driven security solutions identify threats ten times faster than traditional methods.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics uses AI to analyze large data sets, identify patterns, and predict future user behaviors and trends. This anticipatory approach means users receive content and recommendations that resonate with their future needs.

Example: Netflix’s recommendation engine keeps 80% of subscribers engaged through predictive analytics.

AI-powered conversational interfaces

Conversational AI, through chatbots and voice assistants, transforms user interaction from a series of taps and swipes to natural, human-like conversations. Advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms enable this interaction level.

Example: Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are prime examples of how conversational AI can provide various functionalities, from setting reminders and playing music to controlling smart home devices, all through natural language interactions.

Improved accessibility

AI-driven accessibility features in mobile apps are transforming the user experience for people with disabilities. Features like voice-to-text and real-time captioning promote inclusivity, allowing all users to engage fully with the digital world.

Example: Google’s Voice Access app enables users to control their Android devices using spoken commands, making it easier for people with mobility or vision impairments to navigate their devices and apps.

Contextual and behavioral analysis

AI-driven contextual and behavioral analysis involves understanding and responding to the user's current situation and behavior patterns, providing highly personalized and situationally appropriate interactions. Contextual and behavioral analysis uses data such as location, time of day, device type, and current activity to understand the user's immediate environment and ongoing behavior, to provide relevant and timely interactions.

Example: A health app that monitors a user's exercise habits and dietary preferences can suggest personalized workout routines and meal plans, improving user engagement and outcomes.

Why AI apps need a MMP

AI apps need robust tracking, analysis, and campaign optimization capabilities to maintain growth and maximize potential. This is where a mobile measurement partner (MMP) like Adjust becomes crucial. Here's why:

  • Accurate performance tracking: AI apps must precisely track user interactions, engagement, and revenue metrics, including in-app purchases (IAPs), to gauge performance. An MMP offers in-depth insights into user behavior and campaign performance, aiding developers in refining their AI models and improving user experiences. Adjust provides unmatched data granularity, with unrestricted access to raw data access,  enabling swift and smarter decisions.
  • Fraud prevention: Fraud is a major concern for AI app developers. A reliable MMP can identify and prevent fraudulent activities, ensuring data accuracy and keeping budgets safe.
  • Marketing campaign optimization: An MMP provides in-depth data on a huge range of metrics and campaign factors, including user acquisition (UA) and retention, allowing AI apps to fine-tune their marketing strategies. This ensures effective use of budgets, targeting of the right users, and the ability to continually scale return on investment (ROI).

The future of AI in mobile apps

AI is set to become an integral part of mobile app infrastructure. Instead of just being an additional feature, AI will be embedded deeply into the core of app functionality. This will enable developers to build smarter, more intuitive, and secure apps that accurately predict user needs and behaviors and deliver hyper-personalized user journeys.

Integrating AI with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will lead to even more engaging and interactive app experiences. For gaming apps, AI with AR/VR can create dynamic, immersive environments that adjust in real time to player behavior. In education, it can offer adaptive learning experiences, simulate real-world scenarios, and tailor content to individual learning styles. AI can also transform retail by enabling virtual try-ons and creating personalized, interactive shopping experiences. Moreover, advanced AI will enable more sophisticated methods for protecting user data and privacy. And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg.

To find out how Adjust can enhance your AI app’s performance and provide unmatched data and insights, request a demo today.

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